Monday, July 13, 2015

He's home! And other big... well little... news!

You all have no idea how long I've been waiting to post this! The anticipation has been killing me!
Elder Henderson is home!!! Or should I say "Uncle" Henderson?!

He had no idea we were pregnant! When we talked to him on Mother's Day Trevor and I just about blurted it out. I'm glad I didn't, because it was worth the wait! We had the sign, but of course he didn't notice it said "Uncle" instead of "Elder." We figured he wouldn't catch on right away since he's more excited to see family than posters. I had him read it as we were giving hugs and he was pretty stoked! He was pretty shocked I kept it a secret for 17 weeks. I was probably more shocked than he was that I was able to hold it in! After the hugs and we got his luggage we went to 5 guys for lunch, and visited with the grandparents. We hung out at the house and had one of his favorite meals he requested for dinner. All in all it was a pretty low key day, but really fun day! 
It's weird to have him back... in a  good way. It feels totally natural that he's home, like he's never been gone. At the same time I kept thinking "Shouldn't you be on your mission?..." 

I scheduled my check up the same morning that Tanner came home. Originally it was just supposed to be a quick check up using the Fetal Doppler. We weren't supposed to find out what we're having until 21 weeks when they do the scan. At the previous appointment I asked if there was a way to find out because we wanted to tell everyone at the airport. My doctor said that it wouldn't be a problem to take a quick peak! We didn't really tell anyone because we wanted it to be a surprise. Plus, sometimes you're not able to tell if they're not cooperating. When I went in that morning it ended up being more than just a quick peak. The little squirt wouldn't move his legs! My doctor kept pushing on my belly to get him to move. He moved all right, right behind the placenta. "Really kid, work with me!" So we pushed on my stomach again and he flipped around... right back into the position he was originally in. "You're killin' me smalls!" During the course of his moving and flipping around, the doctor said he's pretty sure he saw a boy. Now, he did say it was possible that he saw a toe since his legs were pulled up into his chest, and his feet were covering his groin. BUT if he were a betting man, he'd say boy. For now that's what we'll go with. We very well could find out next appointment that it's a girl. I've been positive this whole time that it was a girl, but it's looking like I was wrong! The heartbeat is strong and baby is measuring right on target and that's all I really care about. Trevor is pretty excited to have a little buddy. I've loved growing up with a big brother, but girls are just so much more fun to dress up ;-) That's okay I'll get my girl one day :)
I may have lied to my mom and told her that we weren't finding out until the end of July. She's a tricky one, so originally I really didn't think I fooled her. She's a mom, so she knows everything! I guess I sold it because she was totally surprise! We got a shirt that had had blue baby feet on the belly and I wore it underneath my other shirt. My mom always checks the pictures to make sure they turned out, so we had it planned perfectly. During one of the family pictures I'd sneakily lift my shirt to reveal the blue feet. When my mom went to check the pictures she'd see it and freak out! Flawless, right?! 
Nope... My plan wasn't as fool proof as I thought. We had her check the pictures several times and she didn't catch it. We told her there was a smudge on the posters, and she still didn't catch it. We were at the baggage claim and after the 3rd time of trying to get her to check the picture I finally lifted my shirt. She saw it and said "Are you having twins?!!! (because there were two feet). "NO mom, what color are the feet?! WE'RE HAVING A BOY!!" And then the freaking out proceeded her catching on. In all of the chaos she was just excited her boy was home :) Kinda fun that we got to tell her we're adding another boy to the family!

All in all it was an exciting day. We found out that we're having a boy (most likely), and the whole family was together for a few short days. Brad had to get back to work in D.C. and Trevor started his MBA program last week. We're so glad Tanner is finally home! He was a hardworking missionary and we got to see him learn and grow so much over the last two years. Definitely worth it!
Welcome home Tanner!
We can't wait to meet you baby boy Paskett!

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