Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer fun

Well this summer has turned out to be more eventful than we ever imagined. Between Trevor getting an AMAZING score on the DAT (Dental Admission Test) and getting lost in a slot canyon at Zion's last weekend I'd say that's enough excitement for one summer!
Trevor studied for months before he took the DAT last month. I know he doesn't like to advertise his score but I will for him :) He got a 25, which is in the 99.8 percentile. Holy smokes we never expected him to do so well! He was shooting for a 21 or 22. We know that it wasn't all just him though. He did do his part and studied hard but we fully recognized the Lords hand in helping him also. Our family prayed many times for him and fasted. We know that he couldn't have done it without the Lords help. He was looking out for us and blessed us so much more than we ever expected. Scholarships are now an option, which before we never dreamed of, and we will have a few more options for schools than we thought. Trevor is leaning towards Creighton in Omaha, Nebraska... Me, not so much lol. I'm fine with Creighton I've heard great things about the school. I'm not super excited about Nebraska though... I would prefer going to Portland, Florida or somewhere that seems like more of an adventure! That's alright I'm sure we'll still be able to find our fair share of adventures should be chose to go there. It's been exciting to think of all the places we could go. Where ever we go will be a fun new experience and were excited for it!
As some of you may or may not know Trevor decided that just hiking a slot canyon wasn't enough of a rush for him. Apparently getting lost was the real adventure he was looking for ;-). He started out Friday afternoon with 2 others to get a jump start on the first part of the hike. They made camp after hiking a few miles and the next morning they were off again. Everything was great and they were feeling good about the hike. The night before they were worried about the over cast skies but after talking with the rangers they found out the canyon, Heaps, that they were doing wasn't at risk for a flash flood.

They came to a part where they thought they were supposed to turn left. They had read the guide book a few times and a friend that went with them had done it once before. They ended up heading down the wrong way and long story short after rappelling and going in and out of pot holes with cold water they came to a dead end. They realized after that they should have read one paragraph more which told them to not go down the way the did. There was no way back up the way they came. Once you pull the rope after rappelling you're committed. The only way out was to free climb 150 ft. It was Saturday evening and they were cold and tired. They decided to wait for other hikers to hopefully see they took the wrong path and be able to get out the next day. Sunday afternoon they finally decided that their only hope was to climb. Again, long story short (if you want more details were happy to share over a free meal ;-) ), they tried various things and were able to climb over half way up. They had to spend the night stemming and leaning against one another. Needless to say it was a crappy nights sleep. The next morning Trevor finished the climb. Just as he got up and tied a rope off to a tree to help the other guys the search and rescue helicopter flew overhead. They didn't see them the first time but they were able to flag them down the second round and get helicoptered out. Trevor said it was pretty sweet but definitely not worth the hassle for the ride!
As a side story, that Sunday night another wife of one of the lost 3 musketeer hikers and I drove down to my Aunts house that lived 20 minutes from Zion's. We got up next morning and headed to the visitors center and waited anxiously all morning to hear from search and rescue. We FINALLY got the call that we had been waiting for for almost two days, they were found! Many, many prayers were answered and Heavenly Father kept them safe. They had cuts and bruises but that's all they came out with. It was pretty nerve racking and I would get pretty freaked out at times but I felt pretty calm through most of it and knew that he was okay. It's nice to have him back home!
Yesterday morning we dropped my little brother off at the airport. He's going to the Little Rock, Arkansas mission, Spanish speaking. He got a call a month or two ago saying that he was to go to the Mexico MTC. He was pretty stoked about that. It's always sad to say your goodbyes but I've never seen someone so prepared to serve. He is amazing and I really look up to my little brother, and not just because he's taller than me! I know he's going to do great things!

What else... Oh I went to girls camp last month. That was pretty fun. I got to really get to know our sweet group of girls right before I got released, ha! That's alright I knew it was coming soon for me but the whole presidency changed which I didn't  know about until this past Sunday. I will miss my sweet beehives but they have some great new leaders!

We knew I'd be getting released in the next few weeks because we decided to move to Trevor's parents basement. It's time to start saving up and paying off some student loans before we get lots more of them next year! We've loved our cute little apartment that we've been in the last year and a half and are sad to move but happy to be close to home for a bit before we move our of state next fall.
I think that's all for now. I need to write more often so I'm not writing such a novel of a post!